hint: type quanzhe

q w e r t y u i  o p

a s d f g h j k l

z x c v b n m

DNI: homophobes, racists, ablelis, people who invalidate neoprns and prns itself, shippers, take anime/kpop/mcyt too seriously
stan list
h.o.t, sechkies, god, cool, turbo, pH-1, yanghongwon, changmo, superbee, kid milli, giriboy, hash swan, 9% (and their solos), nex7, tanagram, j.zen, oner, and many many more!

hiya, I'm kei! i go by she/her prns. i am a ravenclaw, intj-t capricorn, type 5, cabin 6.

korean music, cpop, technology, mythology, books, harry potter, percy jackson, kvariety shows, ace attorney, professor layton
homophobes, laziness, ppl hate my favs w/o a reason, clora and layluke shippers, delulus, ppl who think that ur favs are better than others